Recognizing that spiritual growth is a life-long process, we encourage all people to worship, learn, and grow in faith by spending time with God’s Word and practicing their faith at home, church, and in the world.
[Proverbs 22:6]
Adult Faith formation provides opportunity for people to grow in knowledge, understanding, and faith in a Sunday morning classroom setting. Classes are taught by members, retired clergy, and staff at St. Mark’s, who bring a variety of different perspectives and experience.
Faith Formation
St. Mark’s Adult Faith formation program offers a wide range of classes to support lifelong learning. Classes cover a variety of topics including different books and themes in the bible, theology, discipleship, current events, and life application.
Adult Faith Formation Classes meet at 9:45am on Sunday mornings.
Class information and location is published in weekly and monthly communications.
Some of the classes that were offered in the last year include:
- Women in the Bible
- Sermon on the Mount
- The Augsburg Confessions
- What Shall we say about Death?
- Worship Matters
- Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
Small Groups
Time, Talents, and Resources
We believe that all good things come from God, and that we are called to share what we have… our time, talents, and resources, with our neighbors.
Ministry Teams
St. Mark’s has a large variety of ministry teams and groups that meet weekly or monthly to support the ministry of the Church. Whether making quilts, caring for the building, planning outreach opportunities, or supporting worship and music, there is a group where you can use the gifts God has given to you to live out your baptism. Click the GET INVOLVED tab for a full list of Ministry Teams and Service opportunities at St. Mark’s.
How we use what we have received not only makes a difference for others, but also profoundly shapes us. As we practice regular letting go of the resources to which we're used to clinging, we are transformed to be more generous and grateful people. We are formed to trust in God, and give in gratitude for what God has done for us.