OUR MISSION - Making disciples by loving Christ, growing in faith, and serving all people

Join Us For Worship

In – Person

8:30am & 11am

Faith Formation


We welcome and include all people regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, appearance, or anything else that may divide us.

Who We Are

St. Mark’s is a welcoming, inclusive, inter-generational congregation. We joyfully live and proclaim God’s grace through Jesus Christ. We serve all people in Worship, Outreach, Learning, and Fellowship.

You are welcome here. Come Love, Grow, and Serve with us!

We welcome newcomers at St. Mark’s Lutheran. Learn more about us and how to get involved.

We are a joyful, vibrant Christian community who enjoys worshiping together, fellowship, and practicing generous acts of service for our family, our community, and our world.